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Preschool 3-5 years

In this unit the children are encouraged to develop independence and are prepared for school in a relaxed homely setting where they can feel at ease in play.  The children are encouraged to build their confidence and to realise their full potential, also to have the opportunity to take part in many activities and will have the chance to develop their own particular skills. Activities include letter games, ICT computer games, writing their name and learning hand eye co-ordination by using the mouse. Children are also encouraged to learn self-care skills such as changing their shoes to indoor pumps or slippers and finding their Name at meal times. This room encourages children to be independent and allows the older children to use the toilet facilities independently staff are always nearby for if a child should need some help.We keep written development records of each child, including detailed observations to assist with planning for further progression, which parents are encouraged to contribute towards if, they wish these records are available for inspection at any time.

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